Big Labia Energy
Big Labs Pod harnesses the big labia energy of two comedians at varying stages of their careers. Maggie is the seasoned comic who has decades under her belt and Julie is a middle level comic with a decade of experience. Together their witty banter about topics such as door dashing, online pen pals apps, pop culture, feminism, women's issues, and being a road comic will have you coming back week after week to see what absurd and campy things they have to say. Follow us on the socials @biglabspod
Big Labia Energy
EP 120 - Sex on Duty, Season Finale
Pascha, Julie, and Maggie discuss vacation, television, boats, and travel
Tags - podcast, season one finale, big labia energy, giant labia, thongs, whale tail, madison island, madeline island, craft thong, big labia energy weekend, roomate, hunks, calendars, firefighters, men in uniform, women in uniform, hero, lifesavers, attractive, sex on duty, kitten, police, firefighter, porn, transportation, plowy mcplowface, ten thousand dollars, badge bunnies, ER nurses, Dr. and nurse, shift work, woman can’t be doctors, stethoscope, pizza, college, raw pizza, degree, psychology, math, toilet paper, conceptual, duct work, loft, column, siri, square footage, hey siri, deactivate, wonder twins, fist bump, animal, water, out of this world, preteen, single mom, frozen, time traveling, dad is an alien, you can freeze time, clapping, aging, end of the dock, waterski pose, grandpa, boat, little kid thing, stranger, drunk, 80’s, teenagers, softball coach, felony, older man, shorts, softball pants, slide, rich people problems, matching shirts, full uniforms, tea, rich, baby reindeer, UK penpals, youtube videos, piers morgan, netflix, actor, IRL, defamation lawsuit, lawyer, crazy, people, delusional, ashley madison, list, website, freaknik, music festival, atlanta, hotlanta, black colleges, black spring break, woodstock, assaulted, josh duggar, list of clients, hacker, exposed, secure website, hacker college, hackathon, IT, formula, entry level job, experience, triple dipping, truck, side hustle, teams, 4 hour workweek, 4 day workweek, full salary, started, friday in the summer, 4 tens, burn vacation, carryover, PTO, has to burn it, fiscal year end, vacation time, burn vacation, trip to europe, family reunion, state fair, minnesota state fair, paralegal, 2 weeks vacation, ad agency, unlimited PTO, floating holidays, regular holidays, gift, beer on tap, wine, happy hour, culture, drug testing, clients, ping pong tables, richie, heavy machinery, drug test, math test, spelling test, forced drug test, QA testing, consultant, accounting, math machine, accounts receivable, front desk, youngest, 2016, booze it up, grown up, thirty something, handsome, northern exposure, ER, Dr. Greene, TNT, cruise ship, margarita cruise, floating hotel, st paul, neighbors, st croix, hang out, somewhere over the rainbow, beth, chips and salsa, taco bar, eat and drink, bad tacos, raw chicken, fun, hopes and dreams, goals, hiatus, strategise, month, longmire days, wyoming, tv show, saloon, old west, cowboys, sheriff, reservation, pretend town, jeep, yellowstone, dogs, jeep dogs, pancake breakfast, ER pancake breakfast, actor, behind the scenes, drunk video, praise, kudos, roomate, committed, heart happy, acting job, toilet paper, extra, different job, bad pay, any fields, drive a truck, we will train, $5000 signing bonus, fake check, meet cute, adorable, goals, projects, debt, goals, taxes, october, accountant, extension, silly goose, dates, jules and rachel, thong, shirts, cardboard urn, sober, wagon, rag, off the wagon, wrap it up, limited chinese buffet, one eggroll, guys, biglabspod, big labs pod, thank you listeners!